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Tips for the Ultimate At-Home Hair-Washing Day

Do you often dread washing your hair because you just cannot get the same feel and outcome as your hair stylist? While their artistry can be quite unmatched, we do have some helpful tips for your at-home hair washing routine that can help you feel like part of the salon is home with you!

The first step to having a salon-worthy hair wash while at home is the quality of your products! It is imperative that you are using hair care that is notably deluxe and personalized for you. Because of that, we highly recommend speaking to a professional hair stylist to help you figure out what your hair type is and what your hair needs most. We have a plethora of products that range in customization, purpose, and price that are tailored to fit your specific needs.

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The way you shampoo your hair makes a difference in the longevity of your wash. Focus shampoo on the scalp to get any loose dead skin cells, clear out any dirt and debris, and clarify the roots of the hair. Give yourself a nice scalp massage using either your fingers or a scalp massager. Move in circular motions around your hairline and towards your temple, then go towards the center of your head and down towards the nape of your neck. Use firm pressure to help relieve any built-up tension.

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Using a hair mask is another great way to enhance your at-home wash days. Masks are available for all hair ailments. Some are designed to repair and condition, moisturize, bring shine, protect color, or correct color. Definitely focus hair masks on the mids and ends of your hair and use it in place of your conditioner. Some people benefit more by using a hair mask before the shampoo process. Ask your stylist which would best work for you and how often they would recommend your use of a hair mask, because it varies from person to person!

While you let your mask sit, another thing to consider would be running a fine-tooth comb through your hair. A hair mask adds more slip to the hair and by combing it, allows the conditioner to soak in between each strand of hair. Using your fingers to comb through your hair can potentially cause damage, which is why a comb is optimal. Doing this during your hair masking step will also help avoid any knots in your hair when you get around to drying it.

The temperature of the water is something that can affect the quality of your shampoo-day. Try to avoid scorching hot water, as that can damage and dry out the hair. Stick to warm or cool water temperatures to keep the hair properly nourished and, for colored hair, retain the color of your hair. With that, your salon-worthy wash is complete!

Stay tuned for hair tips on how to bring the salon blow out to your home!

E-mail for service information and get in touch with our hair stylists here. All links are non-affiliate.

Bella Trio is a COVID-safe full-service salon in Durham, North Carolina. If you are looking for a new stylist, esthetician, massage therapist, or nail technician, we have personalities to connect with everyone. Browse all of our provider profiles and check out our latest work on Instagram.