
Spring Cleaning

Don’t Forget Your Beauty Products and Routine

The weather in North Carolina is making some realize spring is just around the corner. We are starting to clean out our closets and cabinets, but before you make your spring-cleaning list make sure “Spring Cleaning Beauty” also makes the list!

5 Things to Add to Your Spring-Cleaning List

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1. Look for expired products

Most beauty Products make it easy. Look for the open can image on the back of your product. The number inside is the open can is the time period it is best used in. For example, 12M means product should be used in 12 Months after it is originally opened.

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2. Clean your brushes

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association make-up brushes should be cleaned every 7-10 days.

Hairbrushes that are used at home should be cleaned every two to three weeks according to Healthline. It will keep buildup on your brush to a minimum and also extend the life your brushes.

3. Clean the filter in your hair dryer

The filter on your hair dryer collects dirt and particles in the air just like the one that filters the air in your house. Make a habit of cleaning it on a regular basis. Check with your user manual for specific instructions on how to clean yours.

4. Remove product build-up from your hot tools

Product builds up on your hot tools. If you aren’t using product and have something on your hot tools it would more than likely be melted hair. Make sure you are using heat protectant at the bare minimum. To clean your hot tools, unplug and let slightly cool down then run a wet cloth across to wipe off the metal. Common favorites to use are Magic Erasers and Norwex cleaning cloths.

5. Sanitize Your tweezers, lash curler, and nail clippers

This is simple...rub a cotton ball or q-tip on the surfaces of your tools with rubbing alcohol and allow them to dry.

Bella Trio is a full-service salon in Durham, North Carolina. If you are looking for a new hair stylist, esthetician, or massage therapist, we have personalities to connect with everyone. Browse all our provider profiles and check out our latest work on Instagram.

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