2020 has been a whirlwind of a year but we’re here and we’re stronger now. With 2021 in tow, we really want to take the time to focus on centering ourselves and unwinding from the holiday rush. They say how you start your mornings shape the rest of your day, so why not extend that to the whole month of January?
Join us in January 2021 with our 30-day challenge. Meditate, relax, and set the mood for the whole rest of your year.
Each day will bring about a new challenge, each designed to help you live in the moment, plan for the future, or focus on your current health. This is a chance to get creative and try out new things. You can start a bullet journal to keep track of your progress in this challenge (we love these dot-gridded ones from The Plum Umbrella), get creative and leave sticky notes for yourself, or do these activities as a family.
Stay up-to-date and check our Instagram and Facebook for the challenges. We will not only release them on a weekly basis, but also on a daily basis. This way, you know what to expect and can get daily reminders about the challenges! When you tag us in your challenges, you’ll get a chance to win a free travel-sized dry shampoo. We’ll be selecting 3 winners each week, for a total of 12 winners for the month!
We are so excited to start fresh in the new year and we’re excited we get to start it with you. Have a safe and fabulous New Year’s Eve. Cheers to 2021 and cheers toyou!