“Building better futures that focus on financial security and happiness is part of our core values at Bella Trio. Every time one of our service providers reaches their goals that focus on the guest experience we get to celebrate them. My heart swells with pride and hope as I watch my Bella family better their best and reach their goals. I am blessed to be surrounded with passionate, caring and talented people everyday.” -Emily

Level Up Annie!

Congratulations Annie!!
Annie Is Now An Official Bella Level 1. She graduated from Aveda and joined the Bella team in 2019, matter of fact we are also about to celebrate her one year anniversary in a couple of days. I love asking service providers why they love what they do.
“I love doing hair because of how it can make you feel not just on the outside. When we look in the mirror we don’t just see how we look, we see our whole selves. When you look your best self you feel your best self. My goal is to help people on their journey to becoming their absolute best.” -Annie
Annie's Work
Are you excited to make an appointment and meet Annie? Book your next appointment today! Are you already one of Annie’s guests? The best compliment is a review, if you have a moment she would love for you to review your time with her! Check out her Instagram to see all of her work.