In the new normal of quarantine and craziness now is as good a time as any to start a Bella Trio Blog, we have been talking about it for a while now, and with the world being put on hold for many of us while we try to flatten the curve we have plenty of time and are running out of excuses of why not to.

Bella Trio Staff - Where Are They Now?

Where Are They Now?
So, what’s everyone doing you ask? Let me assure you that we are all doing our part to flatten the corona curve in our own different ways. Although we are staying connected with Emily, we all miss our Bella Trio family terribly.
Well, Emily and Tim can still be found floating around the two Bella Trios. They are making sure everything is set up and ready for when we can finally get back to work. They are the ones that are answering your e-mails and shipping out the products you are requesting as well as being the Bella Trio leaders that we need.

Jodi is teaching online for Elevate. No Rest for her.
The rest of us are, spending time with family while also discovering, or rediscovering, our talents beyond the hair chair so we don’t lose our creative edge.

Kitchen Creations
Claire made a Caramel Sauce.
Teresa made some Tuna Salad to supplement her Dulce lunch habit, although I am sure she would rather be eating Dulce, but who wouldn’t?
Haley says she is cooking up a storm too! I mean check out her Easter spread! If social distancing wasn’t a thing, I would have found an excuse to go to her house.

Going Back To Their Roots
(The Ones In The Ground, Not The Ones In The Hairline!)
Josey has got all of her herbs planted. I love fresh herbs when I am cooking, maybe I should fly a drone over to see when they are ready.
Cait is working in her garden.
Pelham is working on the family farm.

Making Sure You Are Taking Care Of Yourself With Tutorials
Sheila definitely hooked you up with a brow video.
Christy is giving you a detailed lesson on applying lashes. Now is the perfect time to try it out! Well, unless you nail it and only have selfies to prove how awesome you did.
Taylor wants you to practice your blowout skills with her in her tutorials during your free time.

Lydia created a scarf tutorial to help you disguise your hair sparkle.
Bridgette created a half up inspiration for you in between taking care of her two brothers and dog.
Kristin is creating some great videos teaching you some reflexology, and others to aid you with your muscles and stress. But really, who has stress? Hmmm…

Many of us are watching Virtual Education, but Kyndall is watching a ton and is definitely growing her hair education.
Annie is putting her mannequin to use and getting in some good updo practice that will come in handy for future weddings. By the way, if you are planning a wedding, don’t forget to plan for hair. For wedding inquiries, email

Creatively Still Creating
Janine is learning macramé. Her creation looks like it is going to be AWESOME!
Stephanie is busy sewing masks. She is sew talented. Haha! Yes, I had to do it.
Renee is crocheting a blanket. Yes, that is me. This blanket is going to be a special gift and I can not wait to finish it.
If you do not see someone, don’t worry. We are all safe, healthy, and cannot wait to get back to our passions. If you are curious about your Bella Trio provider while social distancing, feel free to reach out on the Bella Trio Instagram or email We can send you a way to reach out to your provider. We absolutely love hearing from and love being checked up on by our Bella Trio family.