Did you know that more than 50% of Americans are employed by Small Businesses? In North Carolina there are 934,604 small businesses that employ more than 45% of North Carolinians. So the big question is, how do you continue to support North Carolina's Local Small businesses beyond visiting their businesses? There are plenty of ways to support all of your favorite small businesses without spending a dime.

3 Big Ways to Support Local
Give Them a Shoutout in the Digital World
The world is changing right before our eyes. We have “computers” in our hands at all times, we work from computers and attend online events. Everyone gets most of their information from the digital world, don't forget to share your experiences because they mean something.

Write a review for them.
Did you know “73% of searchers trust a local business more because of positive reviews”. All small businesses love reviews, I mean seriously doesn't everyone love being told they are doing a good job? Online reviews help build the reputation of small businesses.
You can review for Bella Trio Salon and Spa (Sutton Station on Fayetteville Rd) or Bella Trio Studio (American Tobacco Campus - Downtown).

Checkout their social channels.
Following small businesses on their social channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube helps them grow, but it also helps you stay informed as to what is new, restocked, along with tips, tricks, and specials/giveaways. Once you become a follower on a social channel you also have the ability to give them a different kind of review. You can tag friends that may be interested in a post you saw, share something cool they posted with your followers, and you can tag them in a picture showing off products or services you received. Bella Trio even has a promotion right now giving away a haircut a month for a year. Checkout the details.

Choose Local When Possible
When you choose to spend your money with small local businesses you are choosing to keep more than half of the money spent within the local economy. Small businesses generate $68 of local economic return for every $100 spent with them.
Show the Love
Show your local businesses love by committing to do one thing a week for a small business you love.

Talk About It
When you are out with friends or family don't forget to talk about the lovely dinner you had or customer service you had while you were shopping with a local company like Fillaree.
Check In
Let local businesses know that you appreciate them and everything they do for the community. Hand written notes are fun to drop off to show people love. You can even by cards local. We love Parker & Otis.
So next time you are searching for something remember when you support local it stays local.
Shop our post and E-mail info@bellatrio.com for product information. All links are non-affiliate.
Bella Trio is a COVID-safe full-service salon in Durham, North Carolina. If you are looking for a new stylist, esthetician, massage therapist, or nail technician, we have personalities to connect with everyone. Browse all of our provider profiles and check out our latest work on Instagram.